Several weeks ago I published an article about the massive increase in the purchase and consumption of red wine after a medical study revealed that an element in red wine may extend a person's life span. That study was truly remarkable and provided some weight for the argument to drink a glass of wine everyday to keep the doctor away.
To take that to the next level, an article on discusses another medical study which found that a pigmentation chemical that makes grape skins and wines red has been found to kill human leukemia and lymphoma. However, the compound, a type of anthocyanidin common in plants, left healthy blood cells alone. The study will be published on May 4 in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. For the full Wine Spectator story, click here.
The medical team focused on one of the most common anthocyanidins, which are forms of anthocyanin, water-soluble flavonoids that provide color to flowers, leaves, fruits and vegetables. In grapevines, anthocyanidin is believed to play a part in attracting honeybees to the vines' flowers, as well as serving as a natural sunscreen by protecting against high levels of ultraviolet radiation.
The team studied the effects and the mechanisms of cyanidin-3-rutinoside (C-3-R), to see how it behaves in the presence of cancer. The C-3-R was extracted and purified from black raspberries, though it also abounds in red wine. The C-3-R was tested on several lines of human leukemia and repeated using cell cultures of lymphoma, another immune system–based cancer. The scientists observed that, at low doses of C-3-R, half of the cancer cells in all of the lines died within 18 hours of treatment. At higher doses, the C-3-R killed all of the cells by the end of the 18-hour period. The experiment was repeated several times, on different types of leukemia cancer cells, with similar results.
Now I don't need another reason to drink a glass of wine everyday, but some of you might. The health benefits of wine have been professed for centuries, and often in the form of wives tales. However it seems that the medical world continues to conduct studies that illustrate some very promising health benefits. About 44,000 new leukemia cases will be diagnosed in the United States in 2007, and there will be about 22,000 leukemia-related deaths according to the National Cancer Institute. I'm not saying red wine will cure cancer, but anything that can possibly prevent or ease the disease is OK in my book.
Your thoughts?
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Wine Everyday Keeps the Doctor Away?
Posted by
The Vine Guy
8:32 AM
Labels: anthocyanin, cancer study, cyanidin-3-rutinoside, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Red Wine, Wine Spectator
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Reader's Poll: Red or White?
So we've been doing this blog for a few months, and it dawned on me that I've never asked what you folks enjoy drinking the most. Are you a red or a white fan? Pinot Noir or Pinot Grigio?
Perhaps there is a specific variety that you drink the most, and would most likely order first at a bar? Let us hear from you. You can give us a wine you pair with dinner, or the wine you'd prefer to enjoy simply as a cocktail.
As for me, I am a red wine guy. I really enjoy Malbecs and, at the moment, Cabernet/Shiraz mix.
Let's see what you fine people think...
Posted by
The Vine Guy
3:52 PM
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Want to start your own winery? All you need is a laptop.
So I came across a story in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that had me absolutely fascinated...particularly because I have long wanted to make my own wine. It was about the combination of technology and oenology, thanks to a company called Crushpad ( Now I've heard of Crushpad, but didn't realize the extent of their capabilities. This company allows people to make their own wine. Yeah, I know, big deal...I can do that in my garage. However, it goes beyond making your own wine. We're not talking about making some home brewed shwag.This place lets you decide what kind of wine you want to make, how much you want to make, and how involved you want to be in the process. That's right...I could sit here in Jersey while they make the wine. But it doesn't stop there. Winery staff keep their virtual vintners up to date with e-mails and Web postings. When the fruit comes in, Web cams show the crush, complete with live chat so viewers can question the workers, who respond to computers equipped with voice-recognition software. Basically, the grapes and crush process are real, but your experience
can be as virtual as you want it to be. Further along in the process, members can participate in blending and bottling decisions and design their own labels.
Can you imagine creating your own wine label and winery for $5,000-10,000? Well now you can, and it's much cheaper than spending millions on real estate and equipment. And, you control your level of involvement. If you want to be their for crush and bottling, just take some time off of work and head west. It's your winery, you run it the way you want.So, what do you think of this new process? Is it something you'd consider doing? Have you already made your own wine?
Posted by
The Vine Guy
9:32 AM
Labels: Crushpad, wine making
Monday, April 16, 2007
Pop the Cork: A dinner's best friend
Here we go with another wine review.
The Nose: The moment you pull the cork, scents of peach and citrus jump out. The fruit on the nose is almost overwhelming, and a very slight oakyness.

Posted by
The Vine Guy
8:57 AM
Labels: Barefoot Cellars, Chardonnay, wine rating, wine with dinner
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Sommeliers: Do you ask or don't you?
So, when you have a problem with your computer at work, what do you do? Let me guess, you pick up the phone and call your IT folks to come fix the problem. And if you're feeling under the weather, you go to the doctor. If you're looking for flowers for your wife or girlfriend, you go to the florist and ask for their input, right?
Yet ironically, many of us (myself included) don't apply that same logic when we're out to dinner. We go to dinner, review the wine list, and make what we think is a good decision on which bottle of wine to order. Amazingly, standing 10 feet away from us is a sommelier, or wine expert, that is more than willing to help us. Sommeliers spend years learning about viticulture, climactic conditions, grape varieties, wine production and tasting. They are truly a tremendous resource that can take a good meal to a whole new level by recommending the perfect wine to accompany it. Another thing to be aware of is that these experts are the major contributing factor to what is on that restaurants wine list, and they usually have tasted each wine on the menu.
So then why don't we ask them for help? Clearly they know more than we do...especially when you consider that they've probably tasted it all. I can think of a few reasons. First, for men, it's machismo nonsense. Think of it in the same line as a man asking for driving directions...we just don't want to do it, because asking would mean admitting that we're lost. The same applies to reviewing a wine list. We don't want to appear confused as our eyes wander through Italy, France, Spain and Chile, among others.Second, I think we're all afraid the sommelier will select a bottle outside of our price range, and we don't want to appear cheap. However, what's important to realize is that the sommelier will work within the price range you indicate. Good wines come in all price points.
As I write this, I realize that these two reasons for refusing the help are for me personally. So, what are your reasons? Do you use the valuable sommelier resource, or do you tend to shy away? Have you had a great/bad experience with a sommelier that you'd like to share?
The mic is open...sound off.
Later in the week I'll post some tips on how to work with a sommelier, whether at a business lunch or at an anniversary dinner.
Posted by
The Vine Guy
8:09 AM
Labels: navigating a wine list, sommelier, wine experts, wine ordering
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
So what's in your cellar?
I was looking over my wine collection yesterday, trying to take a visual inventory. Afterwards, two things came to mind. The first was that I have some very nice bottles I completely forgot about, which are at their peak right now and ready to drink. I guess because I've been so busy, and because of the world wine tour we conducted here on this blog (which we'll begin again shortly) many of these wines were neglected. But while I made a mental note of the bottles I'd be drinking in the coming weeks, I thought I would write about it as well so you folks would rummage through your collections and start drinking those bottles that are just screaming for your attention. For example, I have a 2001 Torbreck Shiraz that's been tucked away for a few years. No doubt it's ready to accompany my next fact tonight might be it's lucky night.
The second thought that came to mind was that my collection of white wines is, quite frankly, depleted and piss poor. With the exception of some vinho verde and some miscellaneous bottles of Chardonnay, my collection of whites is non-existent. But the reason I mention it is because I am a big fan of white wine, and I'm a little disappointed in myself for letting my white collection get this bare. I can assure you that several trips to Wine Library will cure that ailment.
Now, enough about me. What is it that you fine people have sitting in your cellars? Which aspects of your collections are you looking to build on? And, most importantly, is there a wine variety that you just have to have at this very moment?
The mic is open...sound off.
Posted by
The Vine Guy
9:35 AM
Labels: Red Wine, white wine, wine collection
Monday, April 2, 2007
Wine Industry News: Got Wine? And Paris in Bordeaux?
So I was perusing through some recent wine industry news, and came across two items that thought might be of interest to you fine people. I do this from time to time on this site because I think it's important to stay up to date on what's happening in the world of wine. So let's get right to it. The first items is a real news item, the second is something that truly makes my stomach turn. Keep reading...

Posted by
The Vine Guy
9:19 AM
Labels: Bordeaux, French wine, Paris Hilton, Red Wine, Vinexpo